Tuesday, April 10, 2012

It's Been Awhile

Well friends what can I say. I have been writing and rewriting this blog post in my head for the past two weeks. Lots of things have been going on in my life. Looking for a job, and a new place to live. Meetings and appointments, my nephew being born, and my Grandmother passing away. These past weeks, really the past month really has been busy, and stressful. Has made this blog hit the back burner. I wanted so much more time to do it, had so many things to say and in the end it hasn't really turned out to be my best effort. I did however make it all forty days without a cheeseburger. In fact I overachieved a little Lent officially ended on April 6 I did not indulge my cheeseburger craving until the following Monday! It was actually not as good as I wanted it to be. Since then I have been giving much thought as to what I wanted to do with this blog. Should I completely end it? I like writing and feel that at least some people like reading it so I don't really want to stop. Maybe I should find a new challenge, but what should it be? I think I found my new topic: throughout this blog I realized we go out to eat way to much!! I always knew that we ate out a lot but I did not realize just how much until it was in black and white in front of my face. So I am going to continue to write this blog and my new challenge is going to be only eating out once a week for a month and then not to eat out at all for a month! This is going to be incredibly hard for me. I love going out to eat it has many wonderful attractions!! I don't have to cook, don't have to clean up the mess, and I don't feel aggravated when my family scarfs down food that takes forever to cook. Because lets face it, it is really annoying when you spend hours lovingly preparing a fantastic meal for your family and they eat it so fast you are not even sure they tasted it! So now that we know where this is heading I shall review my last five days of the cheeseburger ban.

I am not going to go day by day this time as I didn't write any notes down, and it's been awhile. The last five days of the ban I had four job interviews and ate out countless times. I found us a new house that I am excited to move into! After these small victories I wanted to celebrate with a cheeseburger and my temptation voice kept piping up saying "come on it's only a few days early you did good reward yourself" to which I would have to respond " shut up stupid voice I will honor the commitment I made! I know I only made it to myself but I shall see it through!!". I did manage to do just that and will now try not to eat out. I am not going to like this. I think that is the reason behind the reason that it has taken me so long to write this post. The reason I tell myself is that I have been to busy and this is the first time I have had the time to update. This is semi true, but I also have already gone out to eat twice this week (yesterday and today) and plan to go out to Red Robin for our eight year anniversary, so if I don't write the blog proclaiming my new challenge I don't actually have to do it. So that I can eat my divine planned Red Robin burger (none of you want to deny me that. Do you?) my week is starting today!! I hope you guys are having a wonderful week!