Monday, February 25, 2013

An Announcement!

After a lot of research and semi failed diet attempts, I have decided to have gastric bypass. I am writing this blog for two reasons. One to explain to all my friends and family en mass and two so that maybe it can serve as a resource for people contemplating bariatric surgery for themselves. I know I was unable to find any real persons point of view info out there. So maybe this will help someone in the future. First a little back story and stats. I am currently 31 years old and weigh 325 lbs. I have been obese since high school weighing in at over 220 lbs my freshman year. My weight continued to increase after as I grew older, and when I had my first child I weighed 306 lbs. I managed to lose most of that weight with a combination of Weight Watchers and when I could no longer afford that, malnutrition. Years went by and I never managed to get below 220 lbs despite my best efforts. With my second child I ballooned up to 360 lbs. Shortly after she was born I considered Lap Band surgery. I quickly changed my mind when at the consultation the surgeon bluntly stated that bariatric surgery had the highest death rate among elective surgery.  I decided to do Weight Watchers, which is an excellent program and one I had done before. I did lose weight however it was extremely slow and was not cheap. I lost 60 lbs. over 2 years paying program fees of $959.76. That breaks done to 2.5 lbs and 39.99 a month. With the amount of weight I need to lose, if I continued on this program, it would take over 3 years and be very expensive!! That is not even including plateaus or food costs. I also started exercising more when time permitted. However due to the fact that my husband and I both work, time doesn't always permit. So my working out is sporadic  but I do go at least twice a week. Due to these factors  I returned to the idea of the Lap Band and asked my doctor for a referral to a bariatric  surgeon.

The surgeon that I was referred to required attendance at a seminar out lining all bariatric surgeries  My husband and I attended the seminar and found it very informative. The information we received made me realize that gastric bypass was a better fit for me. We learned that the Lap Band only has a 50% success rate and can have complications. Gastric bypass has a 95% success rate and very few complications. We also learned about the gastric sleeve which I was interested in, but my insurance will not pay for it. So we decided  gastric bypass was the best option all things considered.

So that is the direction I am going in. In a couple of days I will post some of the pros and cons I have been thinking about. Thanks for reading!

Arms 15'
Waist 43'
Hips 60'
Thighs 33'
Current Weight 325 lbs

1 comment:

  1. I applaud you for sharing this with everyone and being brave and determined! You are an inspiration. Also, if you need help with anything during the healing process, with the kids or anything please text or call!! You know I work too but I can come over after or on the weekends...BRAVO JENN!!!
