Wednesday, July 24, 2013

What Is Your Goal Weight?

I get asked this question all the time. The truth is I can't honestly answer. I don't know. I have weighed over 200 lbs since high school and it is hard to imagine being any smaller. Currently I am at 277 lbs having lost 58 lbs so far. My dietitian told me at my last appointment that I will be under 200 by December. I am honestly kinda freaked out by this. I don't know how that is going to work. It is extremely hard for me and my husband to imagine so much weight loss. I don't think we have wrapped our heads around the fact that one day I will be smaller then him. For now however I just go with how I feel. My "goal" weight based on my height is around 164. I can not imagine being that weight. I am afraid I am going to look bad at that weight. I have always carried my weight well and I am afraid I will look emaciated if I get down to 164. So basically I for now don't have a goal weight, it is too abstract for me, too far away.

I feel great lately! I am exercising more, being more active. I feel like doing stuff now, before I never wanted to do things because it was too much trouble. I didn't have the energy. Now I sleep better, I have lots of energy most of the time. I am loving wearing cloths that I had been saving to wear when I lost weight. Some of these things I have had for 7 years, just waiting to drop enough weight to wear them! I also have been taking better care of myself. I do my hair and make up more often. I feel confident, and vital. I also feel 10 years younger. It's funny it is so much easier to move around now. I ran the other day! Not for far or for long I was just running to the car to get out of the rain, but I didn't get out of breath! 4 months ago I would NOT have been able to do that! The only thing that I am a little disappointed by is I somehow still fit in my original pants. They are super loose, but not falling off yet. I expected them to be by now. I don't understand how a person can lose 57 lbs and still wear the same pants!! I do fit in a smaller size so that is exciting, I just want to not be able to wear the other ones!
Weight 277.0
Arms 14
Waist 41.5
Hips 53
Thighs 30

1 comment:

  1. Great job Jenn! You will wear 164 beautifully! Keep up the motivation & confidence...and thank you for sharing your inspirational story!
