I get asked this question all the time. The truth is I can't honestly answer. I don't know. I have weighed over 200 lbs since high school and it is hard to imagine being any smaller. Currently I am at 277 lbs having lost 58 lbs so far. My dietitian told me at my last appointment that I will be under 200 by December. I am honestly kinda freaked out by this. I don't know how that is going to work. It is extremely hard for me and my husband to imagine so much weight loss. I don't think we have wrapped our heads around the fact that one day I will be smaller then him. For now however I just go with how I feel. My "goal" weight based on my height is around 164. I can not imagine being that weight. I am afraid I am going to look bad at that weight. I have always carried my weight well and I am afraid I will look emaciated if I get down to 164. So basically I for now don't have a goal weight, it is too abstract for me, too far away.
I feel great lately! I am exercising more, being more active. I feel like doing stuff now, before I never wanted to do things because it was too much trouble. I didn't have the energy. Now I sleep better, I have lots of energy most of the time. I am loving wearing cloths that I had been saving to wear when I lost weight. Some of these things I have had for 7 years, just waiting to drop enough weight to wear them! I also have been taking better care of myself. I do my hair and make up more often. I feel confident, and vital. I also feel 10 years younger. It's funny it is so much easier to move around now. I ran the other day! Not for far or for long I was just running to the car to get out of the rain, but I didn't get out of breath! 4 months ago I would NOT have been able to do that! The only thing that I am a little disappointed by is I somehow still fit in my original pants. They are super loose, but not falling off yet. I expected them to be by now. I don't understand how a person can lose 57 lbs and still wear the same pants!! I do fit in a smaller size so that is exciting, I just want to not be able to wear the other ones!
Weight 277.0
Arms 14
Waist 41.5
Hips 53
Thighs 30
Great job Jenn! You will wear 164 beautifully! Keep up the motivation & confidence...and thank you for sharing your inspirational story!