Saturday, February 25, 2012

It Starts!

I meant to write this on Tuesday, so just pretend it's then okay?!

     Sunday night when I could not fall asleep because my brain would not turn off (maybe I should look into a sledge hammer for that pesky problem) I started thinking of Mardi Gras. My daughter and I were throwing a mask making party the next day so it was on my mind. This led me to think of Lent and what I would give up if I were to celebrate Lent. In the midst of all this thinking the sweet memory of the delicious Red Robin burger I had last week popped up. Then it hit me I eat WAAAYYYYY to many cheeseburgers!! I love burgers! Those of you who know me know how horribly picky I am and if you have ever dined with me I probably had a cheeseburger. I sorta have a compulsion towards them. Unless I am at a restaurant that does not serve them I will always order a burger of some sort. I have eaten veggie burgers, turkey burgers, soy burgers, and of course good old beef! Expensive or cheap I love them all. I am not sure where this great love of burgers started. Was it during those softball games when we would have to go through the drive through to get some dinner before the game? Was it before then when a burger was a special treat for my family? I would probably have to ask my mom. Ever since I can remember I have loved burgers. I eat one at least once a week sometimes more. I think I am starting to figure out why my cholesterol is so high!! I think part of the reason I like them so much is because it is hard to mess up a hamburger. Another reason is that they are cheap and when you are dining out with a man who usually makes a bee line for the $25 dollar steak cheap is important!! So even though I am a creature that rarely leaves her comfort zone I have decided that I will give up burgers for 40 days and 40 nights. I will not make this easy on myself by avoiding burger joints or throwing away the burgers I already have at home. I will be updating this blog once a week ( I hope) chronicling the temptations and how (or if ) I am able to over come them!
Me enjoying my last cheeseburger!!


  1. I don't think I could give up a burger for 40 days and 40 nights!

  2. I am not totally sure i can either but i am gonna give it my best shot!!
