Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The First Week

  So before I start telling about my week a few fun facts! My mom has informed me that from a very early age hamburger was the only meat I would eat. That is still semi true I have branched out into other meats though hamburger is still my favorite. Also my mom sent me an article about the benefits of giving things up for Lent you can read it here: http://ideas.time.com/2012/02/23/lent-and-the-science-of-self-denial/. Now on to the rest!

  Day One: So the reason I was unable to write my blog on time last week was because my dear Gabriel spiked a fever and we were up all night. Also Garrett had to go to Virginia for a week and left on Tuesday. The rest of the week we were recovering. After taking my munchkin boy to the doc to make sure nothing was seriously wrong and to gain that oh so magical get out of school free note we went to the golden arches to obtain some food. I was not even remotely tempted and got some chicken nuggets for myself. I did get burgers for the kids cause that's what they wanted and this is about denying myself not them. Now usually I will take a couple bites of the kids leftovers (what mom never nibbles the kiddos leftovers!!) but being firm in my convictions I tossed them away! Yay me!! Now later for some stupid reason I decided to watch a show called Best Foods. The very first thing they feature is you guessed it a fricken cheeseburger!!! Not just a cheeseburger but a cheeseburger so good you have to have an appointment to get one!!!! Luckily as delicious as it looked I didn't have the gas money and I was too tired to drive to Atlanta, Ga to get one. Not to mention I didn't have an appointment!! If I ever find myself in Atlanta though I may just find my way to getting myself one of those yummy burgers!

  Day Two: Not much to report. Other then thoughts of the Atlanta burger dancing through my head!

  Day Three: Yay I made it till Friday! Went to Zumba and then had some errands to run so me and Kat grabbed a bite out. I would usually turn into Burger King (mmmmmmmm Whopper drool drool) but instead went to Taco Bell for a chicken quesadilla. Wasn't quite as yummy but got the job done.

  Day Four: Uh-oh. Been kinda dreading this day. I knew that I had a book club meeting today at Mimi's Cafe. Have been kinda kicking myself for starting this whole thing right before the meeting because the only thing I have ever eaten from there is a bacon burger. Determined to stick to the plan I looked at the menu on-line before going and picked out a couple of possibilities. When I got to the restaurant I was half tempted to just order the burger. They have a picture of the stupid thing on the menu!!! I was able to resist and settled for a grilled chicken sandwich. It was okay. 

  Day Five: Not much to report. Had a very lazy day at home.

  Day Six: We were running errands and had to eat out unexpectedly. I usually like to plan when I am gonna go out to eat. It helps to keep me on point and makes the chance to be tempted less great. I did pretty well though went for Taco Bell. That's kinda my safety restaurant for now I guess.

  Day Seven: Boo it's Tuesday! I say boo because that once a week cheeseburger usually happens on Tuesday. Kat has speech therapy it ends right at lunch time so we usually grab a burger before heading home for nap time. Today I didn't even eat out I got really frustrated and just went home. I ended up eating leftovers for lunch then I had to go have minor surgery done on my leg. After surviving the surgery I did want to reward myself with a cheeseburger but I was a good girl and just went home to prop my sore leg up. 

  Well I got through the first week! It was easier then I thought it would be. I don't think I have EVER gone this long with out a cheeseburger! Just so no one worries the surgery was to close a varicose vein and to remove a few veins that had gotten too big and were not pumping blood correctly. This was my second surgery for this problem and I have to do two more to close/remove other improperly functioning veins. So if I mention surgery anymore it's just that and no cause for alarm. Hope everyone else had a great week!



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