Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Another Week Down!

     So friends,family, random strangers who stumbled across this blog after a Google search gone awry, I have made it another week.  Had a pretty good week over all. Recovered from my surgery enough to exercise (I am only permitted to do the treadmill for now uck!) and my bruises are starting to heal nicely. The only really bad day was yesterday. The evil stress demon reared it's ugly head and tailspinned my little world. While the details are not mine to share it has come to pass that my mother in law will soon be living with us. I very much like my mother in law and am excited for her to be here. She will get to be around her grandchildren, and I will get the opportunity to get to know her better. For all that is good from this situation I am super stressed. Our lease is up in our current apartment in May and we had a great little place that we were very excited to move into. A great little place I picked out in December. Because I am a crazy person who has to have a plan. This wonderful place will not work with an additional person. So now I am freaking out because we need to find a house that will accommodate all of us in the area that we want to live in for a price that we can afford. Not an easy task. Other then the stress from my super control freak self feeling like we are not gonna have a place to live my week has been good! Now on to the details:

      Day Eight: Not tons to report for this day. I was recovering from my surgery the day before so didn't really leave the house too much. I did however manage to make up for not eating out on day 7 by eating Chick fil a and McDonald's. I only meant to eat Chick fil a but Gabriel's school was having a fundraiser at McDonald's and he really wanted to go so we ended up eating dinner there.

      Day Nine: Had my post surgery check up today. Got cleared to exercise. I can only walk moderately on the treadmill and do upper body weights. I am looking forward to when I can take classes and swim again. Nothing food or cheeseburger related to report.

      Day Ten: Went to the YMCA today to get back on that work out wagon! While moderately walking on the treadmill I kept seeing stupid Red Robin commercials. That got me salivating but I kinda just thought well I can wait another month.

      Day Eleven: Took the kids to the Home Depot for kids workshop day. They built cute little cars. We then went to the Y and exercised. Went back home then I went over to a friends house and hung out there a bit. For dinner we had easy cheeseburger pie and I had to figure out if I was allowed to eat it because it had cheeseburger in the name. I decided that I had banned myself from cheeseburgers and not dishes inspired by them or named after them. So I had some yummy pie guilt free it didn't really even resemble a cheeseburger because I added lots of veggies to it.

     Day Twelve: Had a fun day out. Went to the mall. Ate at the food court. Luckily I was craving pizza more then a cheeseburger.

      Day Thirteen: Today was the aforementioned super day of stress. When I am stressed I am not able to really eat so no temptation problems there. I do however remember thinking that I wish they would stop playing the Red Robin commercial while I am working out! I can't have cheeseburgers and I am on a treadmill. The last thing I wanna see is a giant juicy hamburger with enough calories to last an adult human a full day!!!!

       Day Fourteen: After not sleeping well I got up early and made a list of houses to look at after Kat's speech therapy appointment. Went to the Y looked at houses. Went to McDonald's for lunch. Those of you who have been reading know from last week that today is cheeseburger Tuesday. The day I usually get my cheeseburger fix. I got a chicken sandwich and thought fondly of the cheeseburger that I will have again one day.

     Well 14 days down and from my calculations 26 more to go. I am not very good at calculating so I could be off by a day or 2. I hope I can keep my will in tact and that this blog will not get boring!! I hope you all have a wonderful week and I will post again next Tuesday.

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