Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Can I Have One Now??!!!!

Fun hamburger fact: Hamburgers have existed in some form since 1121!!
Well the past couple of weeks have been extremely stressful for me. With our living situation changing, buying a new car, and looking for a job I have been driving myself crazy! Those of you who know me well know that me and waiting are not friends. If I know we are moving I am packing up the house three months early, and looking for houses. If I am applying for jobs I literally like to hand in my resume (or application) to the manager and try for an interview that day. I want things done well before they need to be so that I am prepared for the next project. I am not sure why I am this way. Because of this I have been going slightly insane the past couple of weeks because there is a lot of things up in the air right now and no foreseeable solution to any of them for the time being. I have also made the decision to start working again. Since I made this decision (last week) I have probably put in at least twenty applications. I am extremely determined to have a job! Unfortunately the powers that be do not work on my time frame so I have not heard back from anyone I have applied too. With the exception of two craigslist job scam artists. It's sad that people will take such advantage of others. Luckily I did not fall for the scam. ( Google is a very powerful tool!!) Because of all these goings on and the subsequent stress I have not had any time for myself. I have not gone to the gym as much, I have not been tracking my Weight Watchers points, and I have not attended a WW meeting in three weeks I just go weigh in then leave. Also my house looks like a clothing, toy, food, and trash tornado hit it!!! The bast few weeks have certainly done a number on me, and I am hoping that this coming week I will be able to get back on track!

Day Twenty-Two: Had a busy day today! Again!! Today like every other day this week was far from our usual schedule. Usually Kat and I head to the Y around 10:30 so that I can work out then we go to Weight Watchers for the meeting then home so we can have lunch and Miss Kat can nap. Well today I wanted to go to the commissary. The base is about twenty minutes away or more depending on traffic and I wanted to go and get back before Kat's nap. Shopping with kids is bad enough shopping with a cranky two year old is hell. So due to the fact that the previously mentioned two year old gets up around 9:30 we did not leave the house till around 10:30. My meeting is at 12:15 there is no way I can make it to south Tampa get groceries and make it back on time so I decide to forgo my meeting. After popping into the center for a quick weight check me and the munchkins were off to the store. We got everything we needed and since by then it was lunch time stopped by Sonic for some delish food! I got a chicken tenders sandwich and my beloved onion rings. Afterwards we had to stop by the hubby's work and drop some stuff off for him before heading home for Kat's nap. After all that running around I didn't feel like leaving the house again so never made it to the gym. Instead I cooked dinner and scoured the Internet for jobs. Then I went over to my lovely friend Rachel's house to watch Modern Family with her. Halfway through the show my husband called saying I needed to return home because he had to go unlock the doors for the reservist who had come in. He ended up having to spend the night at work so I attempted to sleep with my snuggly baby girl. Neither of us got much sleep as she is a bed hog and likes to kick me in the head when I am sleeping.

Day Twenty-Three: So today I woke up by being kicked in the head by my daughter, who usually sleeps until at least 9:30, at 8:00. I was not full of sunshine and happiness by this as I didn't get to sleep until after 3:00 thanks to the sleep ninja who likes to kick people! After eating breakfast we got ready for the day. We had a park play date that I had volunteered to make cupcakes for. The cupcakes were baked but since I am an early packer my cake decorating kit was in our storage unit and I had to go retrieve it to dye the frosting and ice the cupcakes. Luckily my very sleepy husband was still home because he did not have to return to work till noon. So I took the small opportunity to run to my storage unit then to Wal-Mart sans children. (I had to run to Wally World to buy sandwiches for me and the kids for the same event because I had run out of time to make them myself!) I got that done rushed back home, dyed some icing green, frosted cup cakes, and was about to rush out the door to the event we were already late for when I noticed the horrible odor emerging from the back of my daughters diaper! Great! Thanks child for the ill timed poopy diaper! We finally made it to the event had lots of fun in the park. Afterwards we headed home for some much needed rest. Kat napped until nearly 7:00 guess she was tired after not sleeping and she was sleeping late all this week anyways. I guess she was adjusting to the time change by napping for hours everyday!! I didn't feel like cooking so I ordered a pizza. Hubby made it home after the kids were in bed so I never made it to the gym today either.

Day Twenty-Four: Finally made it to the Y today for Zumba! Despite the fact that I just wanted to relax and maybe get my house in order I made it to the class on time. It felt good to work out again! Afterwards we returned home and I had planned to clean but got a text message from a friend asking if we wanted to go to the park. I agreed to meet her after showering and off we went to enjoy ourselves in the beautiful Florida sun! We came back home ate leftover pizza for lunch and relaxed. Hubby finally made it home around 8:00 and we had dinner then watched some TV and went to bed.

Day Twenty-Five: Went to the Y first thing. Was super proud of myself because for the first time I worked up enough sweat to drip on the floor!! I was gonna stop and take a picture,but didn't want to look ridiculous in front of a gym full of people. When we were leaving as is usual my boy child was complaining of hunger hoping to entice me into a McDonald's meal. While it did sound tempting I decided that we had spent way too much money eating out this week and went home to make a sandwich. Kat took her nap and hubby finally made it home. We then decided that in the true St. Patrick's Day tradition we should go have.... Mexican food!!! I had been craving it for awhile and at least I didn't eat at McDonald's earlier. We ate and then went to Stables to get something for my desk(I love office supplies) then we walked around a furniture store to get some ideas for our future furnishings.

Day Twenty-Six: Hubby had to work today and the Y doesn't do childcare on Sunday's so didn't work out today. I also didn't wanna sit at home all day with the kids. My house was dirty and I wanted it clean I just didn't want to clean it. Best way to avoid looking at the mess was to leave!! I sent a message to my friend to see what she was doing she was busy so me and the kids headed to the mall. As soon as we got there my son of course was starving so we hit up the food court. Kids had Wendy's and I had a Philly cheese steak. It is getting harder and harder to resist the urge to take a bite of Kat's burger before handing it to her! We walked around the mall for awhile till Kat got cranky. We headed home so she could nap. Around dinner time my friend text me to see if I wanted to go to dinner with her and her daughter. After calling my husband to see if he was ever going to make it home I agreed to go because he would not be home till much later. We went to Sweet Tomatoes. It was very yummy and I ate a little too much!! We returned home and I put the kids to bed, then applied for some more jobs on-line.

Day Twenty-Seven: I woke up with a jolt today. I had forgotten to set my alarm to make sure my son made it to school on time and he had missed the bus! I dragged Kat out of bed and whisked him off to school in my super stylish pajamas. Upon returning home I decided to grab some breakfast and then head to the Y to swim some laps since I was up earlier then normal. I had just enough time to swim, and shower before having to go to Kat's play date in the park! I realized on the way to the park that I had neglected to plan for lunch and it was 12:30. Ended up at the Mickey D's drive thru again. Chicken for me, much salivated over burger for Kat. Was again able to resist the siren call of the beefy goodness. Had fun at the park then went home to pick up Gabe and go to his doctors appointment. After that we went home so Kat could take a much needed nap. I looked for some jobs filled out a few applications, then made some dinner. Hubby got home at a normal time finally and we enjoyed some TV together then went to bed.

Day Twenty-Eight: I feel like I haven't had a burger in years. This is my busiest day of the week. Kat and I got ready and took off for our various adventures. We went to music class, then speech therapy, normally we would have headed to the Y but had to go on base to get the paper work for day care. Since I am going back to work (hopefully soon) we needed to get her on the waiting list for the base day care because out in town day care is ridiculously expensive. After getting hopelessly lost trying to find the CDC (child development center) I placed a call to my husband to see if he knew where it was. He did not. I was getting very frustrated this is the worst laid out hardest to navigate base I have ever been on!! The building numbers are not clearly displayed and there are no signs to say "Hey dummy the CDC is this way"! I spent 45 minutes trying to find the CDC before it miraculously appeared before my eyes. I grabbed the paper work I needed but didn't have time to complete it or any of the other errands I had intended to run because I had to be across town for a doctors appointment. I try to only go to base once a week after Kat has speech therapy because it is pretty far from where we live and I need to save gas. After spending so much time looking for the elusive CDC though I would have to return to this part of town tomorrow to turn in my paper work and get her on the list. Obviously we went out for lunch not having time to return home before my appointment. Micky D's again. I have discovered I rather like their classic chicken sandwiches. Although they will never replace the juicy, satisfyingly beefy cheeseburgers of my dreams. We got home just in time for Kat to nap before we had to take Gabe to group. After group we returned home I made started some dinner for the family then I went out with my friend Rachel to help me pick out some interview clothes. While we were out I grabbed myself some dinner at Dairy Queen. Chicken fingers basket with yummy gravy.Mmmmmmmmmmm gravy. The shopping was successful and I now have a lovely interview outfit. Now I just need some one to interview me!!!!!

I can't believe it has been Twenty-Eight days since I have had a cheeseburger! I haven't even had a bite if one! I think if i did give in and take just a bite I would savagely chow down on the rest before I even realized what I was doing! I really hope for my sake that the coming week is better then the last few weeks have been. I need normalcy to reenter my life. Have a great week and eat a cheeseburger for me!!! Just don't tell me you did because then I might pull my hair out in a fit of jealousy!!!

P.S. My mom tried to make me jealous with her blog entry about a delish pizza she had you can read it here.
Little did she know I could have eaten that pizza as I am only forbidden from actual cheeseburgers! Not dishes inspired by them!!

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