Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What A Week!!!

   So this has been a busy hectic week!! I sold my big red truck Wednesday, bought a car on Saturday, looked at rental houses, and ran around like a mad woman with twos kids!! I have also been thinking a lot about this here blog. I am trying to keep it interesting and lighthearted. I fear maybe it will get boring and redundant. So every week I have decided I will have a joke or interesting burger related fact as well as my weekly break down. This week a joke sent to me by my mom:
                                                               REDNECK LENT
Each Friday night after work, Bubba would fire up his outdoor grill and
cook a venison steak.
But, all of Bubba's neighbors were Catholic. And since it was Lent, they
were forbidden from eating meat on Friday.
The delicious aroma from the grilled venison steaks was causing such a
problem for the Catholic faithful that they finally talked to their
The Priest came to visit Bubba, and suggested that he become a Catholic.
After several classes and much study, Bubba attended Mass...and as the
priest sprinkled holy water over him, he said, 'You
were born a Baptist, and raised a Baptist, but now you are a Catholic.
Bubba's neighbors were greatly relieved, until Friday night arrived, and
the wonderful aroma of grilled venison filled the
The Priest was called immediately by the neighbors, and, as he rushed
into Bubba's yard, clutching a rosary and
prepared to scold him, he stopped and watched in amazement.
There stood Bubba, clutching a small bottle of holy water which he
carefully sprinkled over the grilling meat and chanted:
You wuz born a deer, you wuz raised a deer, but now you is a catfish.

Day Fifteen: Holy cow it's only day 15?! The day started well I went to the Y, and then Weight Watchers. Came home ate looked at some rental properties on line then did the dishes. While doing the dishes I received a call from a guy interested in buying my truck. I was kinda surprised because I just listed it the day before and honestly given that it was a gas hogging V-8 didn't expect it to go fast. Well after talking for a little bit the guy decides he wants it and is gonna come from Orlando and pick it up. Well this is my uh oh moment seeing as I had not cleaned the truck out at all and we had an appointment. So I start rushing around to try and clean the thing out, we go to our appointment and immediately afterwards met the guy at the Greyhound bus station downtown. After looking over every square inch of the truck and trying to bargain us down to an extremely low amount the guy finally left with the truck. Now we had to get a cab from the bus station to the airport to rent a car. Because of the unexpectedly quick sale of the truck we did not have a replacement vehicle!! By the time we got to the airport it was nearly nine o' clock we hadn't eaten dinner and it was a school night. While I waited in line to rent a car hubby and the kids went to the terminal to get us some food. I really wanted a Whopper, but got a chicken sandwich instead : ( Burger King chicken sandwiches always seem to mess my tummy up. We finally got home around ten with two very tired kids and minus a vehicle.

Day Sixteen: So after last night's excitement and late getting home I was looking forward to sleeping a little later then usual. No such luck I woke up at six o' clock from bad dreams and general anxiety about moving and getting a new car. It was kinda good that I was up that early as I had errands to run and getting a jump on the day was nice. I had to get to the bank to deposit the cash from the truck,and I had some houses I wanted to look at. I also had to go to the dealership that we had previously spoken too about purchasing a car to give them a print out of what we wanted and test drive a car they had. Needless to say I was gonna be out all day again. After doing the previously mentioned things I remembered that Kat had a doctors appointment and we hadn't even had lunch! After a brief stop at the Micky D's drive thru ( got a chicken sandwich although I was extremely tempted to take a bite of Kat's burger before giving it to her) we got to her doc appointment just on time. About fifteen minutes into Kat's appointment I realized that it I had to be across town to pick Gabe up at school!! Luckily the appointment ended just on time and I was able to rush across town and pick him up. Then we had to get to the grocery store and finally home! After all the running around during the day and the early hour that I got up I did not want to cook so we went out to Pizza Hut. I then dropped the kids and hubby at the house and went to return the expensive rental car for the cheaper one I had reserved on line. (Side note the Nissan Rouge sucks!! I hated it the back window was tiny and the back seat was to tall so all you could see was the seats. Also tons of blind spots!) Well that's the end of another day finally bed time!

Day Seventeen: Finally slept in! Spent the morning relaxing. Then went to the Y. After that we had to go back to the dealership so that Garrett could sign some paperwork and start the ball rolling on financing. After being at the dealership for a few hours we had to come home to pick up Gabe and then head back to the dealership. We got there only to find out they could not get us financing and that we would have to come back the next day to see if the financial manager would be able to do any better. Before leaving Garrett decided to try and ask his mom to cosign for us. Luckily she agreed and we were told that they would defineatly be able to finance us with her to cosign we just had to come back tomorrow as it was late and the banks were closed. They allowed us to drive the car home with dealer plates so we could return our rental. We went for a celebratory dinner (Sonny's BBQ yummy!!), returned the rental and went home to go to bed! Finally!!!

Day Eighteen: So I woke up at four thirty to pee and due to anxiety about whether or not we would get the car could not fall back asleep. I gave up trying at around five and got up to watch a movie. Around eight my family finally started waking up. We had an appointment at ten thirty to look at a house so I decided we should go to IHOP for breakfast. While looking at the house we recieved the call that we had been waiting for to let us know we had been approved for financing!!!! Yay!! So we had to go back to the dealership and sign a ton of papers. What is it about buying a new car you are always at the dealership for hours! Afterwards we went home because as much as we wanted to drive our new car around Kat was super cranky and needed a nap. We ran some errands after she woke up though! Went out to eat again too. By this day I could not remember the last time we ate at home. I was tempted several times by cheeseburgers, but was able to stay strong. After this experiance I would advise against selling your only vehicle before you have purchased a replacement. Rentals are expensive and if you have less then great credit it could take awhile to find a new vehicle.

Day Nineteen: We ate breakfast at home and then ran some errands. Ate lunch out again! I had a Philly cheese steak this time am getting kind of tired of chicken sandwiches. After that drove around most of the day looking at potentional houses to rent. We came home and I cooked dinner here finally! I am so thankful that it is Sunday and my week will get back on track Monday.

Day Twenty: WooHoo!!! Halfway through! Red Robin bacon cheeseburger I can nearly taste you! So not much to note today figured out that Gabe is on spring break though. Got my house semi cleaned up after the hectic few days we had. Did some laundry, cooked dinner. I just realized that since I have started this whole no cheeseburgers thing I have only eaten ground beef once. That is very unusual for me it's pretty much a dietary staple around here as I am so picky.

Day Twenty - One: Not much to report Tuesdays are always busy though. Kat has music class and speech therapy in the morning. We usually go to the Y afterwards so that I can work out. Then we grab some lunch. I miss my Sonic cheeseburger and onion rings. I really want some Sonic but have not gone there since burger ban because I don't know what else to eat from there. Maybe next week. Settled for a Mcdonald's chicken sandwich instead. Took Gabe to his appointment. Made some dinner and am now writing this blog!

Well that was my week. All in all not a bad week just a lot going on and not a lot of sleep!! I love my new car though. BTW in case you guys were wondering it is an Altima 3.5sr with leather seats, sun roof, Bose stereo system, navagation system, dvd player, and pretty much every other thing you can imgine a car having!! Well that is it from me. Sorry it's so long! See you next week! 

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