Tuesday, April 10, 2012

It's Been Awhile

Well friends what can I say. I have been writing and rewriting this blog post in my head for the past two weeks. Lots of things have been going on in my life. Looking for a job, and a new place to live. Meetings and appointments, my nephew being born, and my Grandmother passing away. These past weeks, really the past month really has been busy, and stressful. Has made this blog hit the back burner. I wanted so much more time to do it, had so many things to say and in the end it hasn't really turned out to be my best effort. I did however make it all forty days without a cheeseburger. In fact I overachieved a little Lent officially ended on April 6 I did not indulge my cheeseburger craving until the following Monday! It was actually not as good as I wanted it to be. Since then I have been giving much thought as to what I wanted to do with this blog. Should I completely end it? I like writing and feel that at least some people like reading it so I don't really want to stop. Maybe I should find a new challenge, but what should it be? I think I found my new topic: throughout this blog I realized we go out to eat way to much!! I always knew that we ate out a lot but I did not realize just how much until it was in black and white in front of my face. So I am going to continue to write this blog and my new challenge is going to be only eating out once a week for a month and then not to eat out at all for a month! This is going to be incredibly hard for me. I love going out to eat it has many wonderful attractions!! I don't have to cook, don't have to clean up the mess, and I don't feel aggravated when my family scarfs down food that takes forever to cook. Because lets face it, it is really annoying when you spend hours lovingly preparing a fantastic meal for your family and they eat it so fast you are not even sure they tasted it! So now that we know where this is heading I shall review my last five days of the cheeseburger ban.

I am not going to go day by day this time as I didn't write any notes down, and it's been awhile. The last five days of the ban I had four job interviews and ate out countless times. I found us a new house that I am excited to move into! After these small victories I wanted to celebrate with a cheeseburger and my temptation voice kept piping up saying "come on it's only a few days early you did good reward yourself" to which I would have to respond " shut up stupid voice I will honor the commitment I made! I know I only made it to myself but I shall see it through!!". I did manage to do just that and will now try not to eat out. I am not going to like this. I think that is the reason behind the reason that it has taken me so long to write this post. The reason I tell myself is that I have been to busy and this is the first time I have had the time to update. This is semi true, but I also have already gone out to eat twice this week (yesterday and today) and plan to go out to Red Robin for our eight year anniversary, so if I don't write the blog proclaiming my new challenge I don't actually have to do it. So that I can eat my divine planned Red Robin burger (none of you want to deny me that. Do you?) my week is starting today!! I hope you guys are having a wonderful week!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Yay! I Can Almost Has Cheezburger!!

First of all go look at the funny cats on lolcats!! They want's cheeseburgers too. So now back to me. Due to extreme job finding tunnel vision I don't really have much to say this week. I mean explaining how I repeatedly hit refresh every few hours on craigslist job sites, and having sent out thirty resumes only to get back mostly scam e-mails does not an exciting life make. I managed to register with a temp agency, and I do have a phone interview with Geico tomorrow that I am excited about, but other then that I have had to force myself to not look for any jobs this week. As you know from reading the past couple of weeks have been chaos for me. I have to get back to normal this week and take some time for myself. I was letting the chaos take over to the point that I was putting off going to the gym, was not attending my Weight Watchers meetings, nor was I tracking. I decided last Friday that there would be no job seeking for me this week if I have interviews that's fine, but I will not spend nearly the whole day hitting refresh and sending my resume to everyone who is hiring in the Tampa area!! It is not good for my mental health!

Day Twenty-Nine: So today was another pretty busy on the go type of day. Kat and I got up and after breakfast we were off to the library for toddler story time. After many adventurous stories little bitty and I went to the Weight Watchers center so that I could weigh in and then we were off to South Tampa to run the errands that we didn't finish yesterday. First stop was the mall were we picked up a dress for Kat and then we grabbed some Chick-fil-A for lunch. After that we went back on base to find the elusive office were we had to drop off our paperwork. After getting lost three times and not being able to g.p.s. the location I finally called the lady and asked for specific dummy proof directions. Finally we found it and turned in the required paperwork, filled out a little more paperwork, then left. We returned home just in time for Kat to get a nap in. The rest of the night was uneventful, cooked dinner, and wrote this blog. Oh yeah and sent out about a dozen resumes.

Day Thirty: Spent the majority of the day on my computer applying/ looking for jobs. Called two, one of them told me if I could be there before four I could interview, the other set up on interview with me for Friday. I really want a job so I called hubby to see if he could possibly be off early enough for me to make the four a clock dead line fortunately he was able. I finally showered, got dressed and rushed off to a prospective job. Complete waste of time! Upon arriving I noticed that it was a call center, the job I was applying for was supposedly an office assistant position. I was then told that the interviewer had called in sick, why was I told this when I originally called? They told me I could come back the next day, when I left I decided that I would more then likely not be back. I then got stuck in traffic on the way home, stopped by Wal-Mart, got home and cooked dinner. Then I scanned more jobs and sent more resumes.

Day Thirty-One: Hubby had the day off so I didn't have to find a babysitter for my interview. After waking up super early to have my blood drawl ( stupid fasting labs) I came back home and prepared for the interview. It went well although it turned out to be for temp work. Why don't people just say what the job is for when they post the listing? I am getting kinda tired of driving all over hell's half acre to apply for jobs I don't really want. If you post a listing for an office assistant, then it should be for an office assistant!! I registered with the agency anyways because I might just find employment through them and if not at least maybe I will get some assignments while I am still looking. On the way home I got some lunch (McDonald's chicken sandwich) and then continued to look for jobs. I also switched our insurance from USAA to Geico. While doing this I ended up on the phone with the Geico lady for about a hour to make sure the policy was correct and had all the things Florida required (they have some super weird requirements!!). While on the phone with her she asked if there was anything else I needed help with and I jokingly asked for a job! I guess she was rather impressed with my personality as she sent me an e-mail with her name and said if I applied to Geico I could list her as a referral! I promptly did just that!! She is a ten year employee and was very enthusiastic about the prospect of me working there. She even asked me to keep her informed of my progress! After the Geico application I went to bed.

Day Thirty-Two: So not much to report today. Hubby took my car so he and the boy child could go to a baseball game. This left me with no choice but to stay home. After looking around my nasty house and realizing that I had not made it to the gym this week I resolved to put the job hunting on the back burner for at least a week. I clean my house till I could see cartoon sparkles coming from my surfaces and then showered so I could go to my book club meeting when the boys got back. I had an awesome meeting out we went to a little bistro and had a delish meal! We also discussed the book we were reading and other goings on in our lives. I went home happy to have finally had time for myself and relaxed.

Day Thirty-Three: The whole family had a fun day out today. We went to breakfast and then to base to do our grocery shopping. After coming home we all relaxed, ate dinner and then went to bed.

Day Thirty-Four: So Kat and I had to take a trip to the temp agency to fill out my I-9 form. I had brought two forms of government i.d. but they were both in the same column so I had to take my social security card up there. After doing that we went home on the way I got the e-mail from Geico about the phone interview and tried to do a happy dance in my car! It's hard to do! Surprisingly we came home to eat lunch and did not eat out. I scheduled my interview and relaxed a little before we had to leave to go to an appointment. The appointment went well, we came home made some dinner, and went to bed.

Day Thirty-Five: Today was our normal busy day! Music class ( the last one unfortunately), speech therapy, and then the Y. Yes you read that right I finally made it to the gym!!! I felt pretty good after swimming some laps. Kat and I got some Sonic for lunch (pretty silly to work out then eat fast food). I got a chicken tenders toaster and some onion rings, it was pretty yummy. We got home just in time for Kat's nap. Around four o'clock we had to head out for Gabe's group therapy, we then came home and ate pizza for dinner. Now I am writing this blog!!

Well I hope you guys have all had an awesome week. I think I am doing better this week feeling less stressed and more myself. I really cannot believe I have gone this long with out slipping up. If you had mentioned this idea to me or asked if I would ever go this long with out a cheeseburger I probably would have laughed in your face. Just one more week and I can have a cheeseburger again!! You know I actually thought I would miss them more. This hasn't been quite as challenging as I originally thought and I feel so accomplished! Tune in next Tuesday to find out the future of this blog and if I managed to find employment!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Can I Have One Now??!!!!

Fun hamburger fact: Hamburgers have existed in some form since 1121!!
Well the past couple of weeks have been extremely stressful for me. With our living situation changing, buying a new car, and looking for a job I have been driving myself crazy! Those of you who know me well know that me and waiting are not friends. If I know we are moving I am packing up the house three months early, and looking for houses. If I am applying for jobs I literally like to hand in my resume (or application) to the manager and try for an interview that day. I want things done well before they need to be so that I am prepared for the next project. I am not sure why I am this way. Because of this I have been going slightly insane the past couple of weeks because there is a lot of things up in the air right now and no foreseeable solution to any of them for the time being. I have also made the decision to start working again. Since I made this decision (last week) I have probably put in at least twenty applications. I am extremely determined to have a job! Unfortunately the powers that be do not work on my time frame so I have not heard back from anyone I have applied too. With the exception of two craigslist job scam artists. It's sad that people will take such advantage of others. Luckily I did not fall for the scam. ( Google is a very powerful tool!!) Because of all these goings on and the subsequent stress I have not had any time for myself. I have not gone to the gym as much, I have not been tracking my Weight Watchers points, and I have not attended a WW meeting in three weeks I just go weigh in then leave. Also my house looks like a clothing, toy, food, and trash tornado hit it!!! The bast few weeks have certainly done a number on me, and I am hoping that this coming week I will be able to get back on track!

Day Twenty-Two: Had a busy day today! Again!! Today like every other day this week was far from our usual schedule. Usually Kat and I head to the Y around 10:30 so that I can work out then we go to Weight Watchers for the meeting then home so we can have lunch and Miss Kat can nap. Well today I wanted to go to the commissary. The base is about twenty minutes away or more depending on traffic and I wanted to go and get back before Kat's nap. Shopping with kids is bad enough shopping with a cranky two year old is hell. So due to the fact that the previously mentioned two year old gets up around 9:30 we did not leave the house till around 10:30. My meeting is at 12:15 there is no way I can make it to south Tampa get groceries and make it back on time so I decide to forgo my meeting. After popping into the center for a quick weight check me and the munchkins were off to the store. We got everything we needed and since by then it was lunch time stopped by Sonic for some delish food! I got a chicken tenders sandwich and my beloved onion rings. Afterwards we had to stop by the hubby's work and drop some stuff off for him before heading home for Kat's nap. After all that running around I didn't feel like leaving the house again so never made it to the gym. Instead I cooked dinner and scoured the Internet for jobs. Then I went over to my lovely friend Rachel's house to watch Modern Family with her. Halfway through the show my husband called saying I needed to return home because he had to go unlock the doors for the reservist who had come in. He ended up having to spend the night at work so I attempted to sleep with my snuggly baby girl. Neither of us got much sleep as she is a bed hog and likes to kick me in the head when I am sleeping.

Day Twenty-Three: So today I woke up by being kicked in the head by my daughter, who usually sleeps until at least 9:30, at 8:00. I was not full of sunshine and happiness by this as I didn't get to sleep until after 3:00 thanks to the sleep ninja who likes to kick people! After eating breakfast we got ready for the day. We had a park play date that I had volunteered to make cupcakes for. The cupcakes were baked but since I am an early packer my cake decorating kit was in our storage unit and I had to go retrieve it to dye the frosting and ice the cupcakes. Luckily my very sleepy husband was still home because he did not have to return to work till noon. So I took the small opportunity to run to my storage unit then to Wal-Mart sans children. (I had to run to Wally World to buy sandwiches for me and the kids for the same event because I had run out of time to make them myself!) I got that done rushed back home, dyed some icing green, frosted cup cakes, and was about to rush out the door to the event we were already late for when I noticed the horrible odor emerging from the back of my daughters diaper! Great! Thanks child for the ill timed poopy diaper! We finally made it to the event had lots of fun in the park. Afterwards we headed home for some much needed rest. Kat napped until nearly 7:00 guess she was tired after not sleeping and she was sleeping late all this week anyways. I guess she was adjusting to the time change by napping for hours everyday!! I didn't feel like cooking so I ordered a pizza. Hubby made it home after the kids were in bed so I never made it to the gym today either.

Day Twenty-Four: Finally made it to the Y today for Zumba! Despite the fact that I just wanted to relax and maybe get my house in order I made it to the class on time. It felt good to work out again! Afterwards we returned home and I had planned to clean but got a text message from a friend asking if we wanted to go to the park. I agreed to meet her after showering and off we went to enjoy ourselves in the beautiful Florida sun! We came back home ate leftover pizza for lunch and relaxed. Hubby finally made it home around 8:00 and we had dinner then watched some TV and went to bed.

Day Twenty-Five: Went to the Y first thing. Was super proud of myself because for the first time I worked up enough sweat to drip on the floor!! I was gonna stop and take a picture,but didn't want to look ridiculous in front of a gym full of people. When we were leaving as is usual my boy child was complaining of hunger hoping to entice me into a McDonald's meal. While it did sound tempting I decided that we had spent way too much money eating out this week and went home to make a sandwich. Kat took her nap and hubby finally made it home. We then decided that in the true St. Patrick's Day tradition we should go have.... Mexican food!!! I had been craving it for awhile and at least I didn't eat at McDonald's earlier. We ate and then went to Stables to get something for my desk(I love office supplies) then we walked around a furniture store to get some ideas for our future furnishings.

Day Twenty-Six: Hubby had to work today and the Y doesn't do childcare on Sunday's so didn't work out today. I also didn't wanna sit at home all day with the kids. My house was dirty and I wanted it clean I just didn't want to clean it. Best way to avoid looking at the mess was to leave!! I sent a message to my friend to see what she was doing she was busy so me and the kids headed to the mall. As soon as we got there my son of course was starving so we hit up the food court. Kids had Wendy's and I had a Philly cheese steak. It is getting harder and harder to resist the urge to take a bite of Kat's burger before handing it to her! We walked around the mall for awhile till Kat got cranky. We headed home so she could nap. Around dinner time my friend text me to see if I wanted to go to dinner with her and her daughter. After calling my husband to see if he was ever going to make it home I agreed to go because he would not be home till much later. We went to Sweet Tomatoes. It was very yummy and I ate a little too much!! We returned home and I put the kids to bed, then applied for some more jobs on-line.

Day Twenty-Seven: I woke up with a jolt today. I had forgotten to set my alarm to make sure my son made it to school on time and he had missed the bus! I dragged Kat out of bed and whisked him off to school in my super stylish pajamas. Upon returning home I decided to grab some breakfast and then head to the Y to swim some laps since I was up earlier then normal. I had just enough time to swim, and shower before having to go to Kat's play date in the park! I realized on the way to the park that I had neglected to plan for lunch and it was 12:30. Ended up at the Mickey D's drive thru again. Chicken for me, much salivated over burger for Kat. Was again able to resist the siren call of the beefy goodness. Had fun at the park then went home to pick up Gabe and go to his doctors appointment. After that we went home so Kat could take a much needed nap. I looked for some jobs filled out a few applications, then made some dinner. Hubby got home at a normal time finally and we enjoyed some TV together then went to bed.

Day Twenty-Eight: I feel like I haven't had a burger in years. This is my busiest day of the week. Kat and I got ready and took off for our various adventures. We went to music class, then speech therapy, normally we would have headed to the Y but had to go on base to get the paper work for day care. Since I am going back to work (hopefully soon) we needed to get her on the waiting list for the base day care because out in town day care is ridiculously expensive. After getting hopelessly lost trying to find the CDC (child development center) I placed a call to my husband to see if he knew where it was. He did not. I was getting very frustrated this is the worst laid out hardest to navigate base I have ever been on!! The building numbers are not clearly displayed and there are no signs to say "Hey dummy the CDC is this way"! I spent 45 minutes trying to find the CDC before it miraculously appeared before my eyes. I grabbed the paper work I needed but didn't have time to complete it or any of the other errands I had intended to run because I had to be across town for a doctors appointment. I try to only go to base once a week after Kat has speech therapy because it is pretty far from where we live and I need to save gas. After spending so much time looking for the elusive CDC though I would have to return to this part of town tomorrow to turn in my paper work and get her on the list. Obviously we went out for lunch not having time to return home before my appointment. Micky D's again. I have discovered I rather like their classic chicken sandwiches. Although they will never replace the juicy, satisfyingly beefy cheeseburgers of my dreams. We got home just in time for Kat to nap before we had to take Gabe to group. After group we returned home I made started some dinner for the family then I went out with my friend Rachel to help me pick out some interview clothes. While we were out I grabbed myself some dinner at Dairy Queen. Chicken fingers basket with yummy gravy.Mmmmmmmmmmm gravy. The shopping was successful and I now have a lovely interview outfit. Now I just need some one to interview me!!!!!

I can't believe it has been Twenty-Eight days since I have had a cheeseburger! I haven't even had a bite if one! I think if i did give in and take just a bite I would savagely chow down on the rest before I even realized what I was doing! I really hope for my sake that the coming week is better then the last few weeks have been. I need normalcy to reenter my life. Have a great week and eat a cheeseburger for me!!! Just don't tell me you did because then I might pull my hair out in a fit of jealousy!!!

P.S. My mom tried to make me jealous with her blog entry about a delish pizza she had you can read it here.
Little did she know I could have eaten that pizza as I am only forbidden from actual cheeseburgers! Not dishes inspired by them!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What A Week!!!

   So this has been a busy hectic week!! I sold my big red truck Wednesday, bought a car on Saturday, looked at rental houses, and ran around like a mad woman with twos kids!! I have also been thinking a lot about this here blog. I am trying to keep it interesting and lighthearted. I fear maybe it will get boring and redundant. So every week I have decided I will have a joke or interesting burger related fact as well as my weekly break down. This week a joke sent to me by my mom:
                                                               REDNECK LENT
Each Friday night after work, Bubba would fire up his outdoor grill and
cook a venison steak.
But, all of Bubba's neighbors were Catholic. And since it was Lent, they
were forbidden from eating meat on Friday.
The delicious aroma from the grilled venison steaks was causing such a
problem for the Catholic faithful that they finally talked to their
The Priest came to visit Bubba, and suggested that he become a Catholic.
After several classes and much study, Bubba attended Mass...and as the
priest sprinkled holy water over him, he said, 'You
were born a Baptist, and raised a Baptist, but now you are a Catholic.
Bubba's neighbors were greatly relieved, until Friday night arrived, and
the wonderful aroma of grilled venison filled the
The Priest was called immediately by the neighbors, and, as he rushed
into Bubba's yard, clutching a rosary and
prepared to scold him, he stopped and watched in amazement.
There stood Bubba, clutching a small bottle of holy water which he
carefully sprinkled over the grilling meat and chanted:
You wuz born a deer, you wuz raised a deer, but now you is a catfish.

Day Fifteen: Holy cow it's only day 15?! The day started well I went to the Y, and then Weight Watchers. Came home ate looked at some rental properties on line then did the dishes. While doing the dishes I received a call from a guy interested in buying my truck. I was kinda surprised because I just listed it the day before and honestly given that it was a gas hogging V-8 didn't expect it to go fast. Well after talking for a little bit the guy decides he wants it and is gonna come from Orlando and pick it up. Well this is my uh oh moment seeing as I had not cleaned the truck out at all and we had an appointment. So I start rushing around to try and clean the thing out, we go to our appointment and immediately afterwards met the guy at the Greyhound bus station downtown. After looking over every square inch of the truck and trying to bargain us down to an extremely low amount the guy finally left with the truck. Now we had to get a cab from the bus station to the airport to rent a car. Because of the unexpectedly quick sale of the truck we did not have a replacement vehicle!! By the time we got to the airport it was nearly nine o' clock we hadn't eaten dinner and it was a school night. While I waited in line to rent a car hubby and the kids went to the terminal to get us some food. I really wanted a Whopper, but got a chicken sandwich instead : ( Burger King chicken sandwiches always seem to mess my tummy up. We finally got home around ten with two very tired kids and minus a vehicle.

Day Sixteen: So after last night's excitement and late getting home I was looking forward to sleeping a little later then usual. No such luck I woke up at six o' clock from bad dreams and general anxiety about moving and getting a new car. It was kinda good that I was up that early as I had errands to run and getting a jump on the day was nice. I had to get to the bank to deposit the cash from the truck,and I had some houses I wanted to look at. I also had to go to the dealership that we had previously spoken too about purchasing a car to give them a print out of what we wanted and test drive a car they had. Needless to say I was gonna be out all day again. After doing the previously mentioned things I remembered that Kat had a doctors appointment and we hadn't even had lunch! After a brief stop at the Micky D's drive thru ( got a chicken sandwich although I was extremely tempted to take a bite of Kat's burger before giving it to her) we got to her doc appointment just on time. About fifteen minutes into Kat's appointment I realized that it I had to be across town to pick Gabe up at school!! Luckily the appointment ended just on time and I was able to rush across town and pick him up. Then we had to get to the grocery store and finally home! After all the running around during the day and the early hour that I got up I did not want to cook so we went out to Pizza Hut. I then dropped the kids and hubby at the house and went to return the expensive rental car for the cheaper one I had reserved on line. (Side note the Nissan Rouge sucks!! I hated it the back window was tiny and the back seat was to tall so all you could see was the seats. Also tons of blind spots!) Well that's the end of another day finally bed time!

Day Seventeen: Finally slept in! Spent the morning relaxing. Then went to the Y. After that we had to go back to the dealership so that Garrett could sign some paperwork and start the ball rolling on financing. After being at the dealership for a few hours we had to come home to pick up Gabe and then head back to the dealership. We got there only to find out they could not get us financing and that we would have to come back the next day to see if the financial manager would be able to do any better. Before leaving Garrett decided to try and ask his mom to cosign for us. Luckily she agreed and we were told that they would defineatly be able to finance us with her to cosign we just had to come back tomorrow as it was late and the banks were closed. They allowed us to drive the car home with dealer plates so we could return our rental. We went for a celebratory dinner (Sonny's BBQ yummy!!), returned the rental and went home to go to bed! Finally!!!

Day Eighteen: So I woke up at four thirty to pee and due to anxiety about whether or not we would get the car could not fall back asleep. I gave up trying at around five and got up to watch a movie. Around eight my family finally started waking up. We had an appointment at ten thirty to look at a house so I decided we should go to IHOP for breakfast. While looking at the house we recieved the call that we had been waiting for to let us know we had been approved for financing!!!! Yay!! So we had to go back to the dealership and sign a ton of papers. What is it about buying a new car you are always at the dealership for hours! Afterwards we went home because as much as we wanted to drive our new car around Kat was super cranky and needed a nap. We ran some errands after she woke up though! Went out to eat again too. By this day I could not remember the last time we ate at home. I was tempted several times by cheeseburgers, but was able to stay strong. After this experiance I would advise against selling your only vehicle before you have purchased a replacement. Rentals are expensive and if you have less then great credit it could take awhile to find a new vehicle.

Day Nineteen: We ate breakfast at home and then ran some errands. Ate lunch out again! I had a Philly cheese steak this time am getting kind of tired of chicken sandwiches. After that drove around most of the day looking at potentional houses to rent. We came home and I cooked dinner here finally! I am so thankful that it is Sunday and my week will get back on track Monday.

Day Twenty: WooHoo!!! Halfway through! Red Robin bacon cheeseburger I can nearly taste you! So not much to note today figured out that Gabe is on spring break though. Got my house semi cleaned up after the hectic few days we had. Did some laundry, cooked dinner. I just realized that since I have started this whole no cheeseburgers thing I have only eaten ground beef once. That is very unusual for me it's pretty much a dietary staple around here as I am so picky.

Day Twenty - One: Not much to report Tuesdays are always busy though. Kat has music class and speech therapy in the morning. We usually go to the Y afterwards so that I can work out. Then we grab some lunch. I miss my Sonic cheeseburger and onion rings. I really want some Sonic but have not gone there since burger ban because I don't know what else to eat from there. Maybe next week. Settled for a Mcdonald's chicken sandwich instead. Took Gabe to his appointment. Made some dinner and am now writing this blog!

Well that was my week. All in all not a bad week just a lot going on and not a lot of sleep!! I love my new car though. BTW in case you guys were wondering it is an Altima 3.5sr with leather seats, sun roof, Bose stereo system, navagation system, dvd player, and pretty much every other thing you can imgine a car having!! Well that is it from me. Sorry it's so long! See you next week! 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Another Week Down!

     So friends,family, random strangers who stumbled across this blog after a Google search gone awry, I have made it another week.  Had a pretty good week over all. Recovered from my surgery enough to exercise (I am only permitted to do the treadmill for now uck!) and my bruises are starting to heal nicely. The only really bad day was yesterday. The evil stress demon reared it's ugly head and tailspinned my little world. While the details are not mine to share it has come to pass that my mother in law will soon be living with us. I very much like my mother in law and am excited for her to be here. She will get to be around her grandchildren, and I will get the opportunity to get to know her better. For all that is good from this situation I am super stressed. Our lease is up in our current apartment in May and we had a great little place that we were very excited to move into. A great little place I picked out in December. Because I am a crazy person who has to have a plan. This wonderful place will not work with an additional person. So now I am freaking out because we need to find a house that will accommodate all of us in the area that we want to live in for a price that we can afford. Not an easy task. Other then the stress from my super control freak self feeling like we are not gonna have a place to live my week has been good! Now on to the details:

      Day Eight: Not tons to report for this day. I was recovering from my surgery the day before so didn't really leave the house too much. I did however manage to make up for not eating out on day 7 by eating Chick fil a and McDonald's. I only meant to eat Chick fil a but Gabriel's school was having a fundraiser at McDonald's and he really wanted to go so we ended up eating dinner there.

      Day Nine: Had my post surgery check up today. Got cleared to exercise. I can only walk moderately on the treadmill and do upper body weights. I am looking forward to when I can take classes and swim again. Nothing food or cheeseburger related to report.

      Day Ten: Went to the YMCA today to get back on that work out wagon! While moderately walking on the treadmill I kept seeing stupid Red Robin commercials. That got me salivating but I kinda just thought well I can wait another month.

      Day Eleven: Took the kids to the Home Depot for kids workshop day. They built cute little cars. We then went to the Y and exercised. Went back home then I went over to a friends house and hung out there a bit. For dinner we had easy cheeseburger pie and I had to figure out if I was allowed to eat it because it had cheeseburger in the name. I decided that I had banned myself from cheeseburgers and not dishes inspired by them or named after them. So I had some yummy pie guilt free it didn't really even resemble a cheeseburger because I added lots of veggies to it.

     Day Twelve: Had a fun day out. Went to the mall. Ate at the food court. Luckily I was craving pizza more then a cheeseburger.

      Day Thirteen: Today was the aforementioned super day of stress. When I am stressed I am not able to really eat so no temptation problems there. I do however remember thinking that I wish they would stop playing the Red Robin commercial while I am working out! I can't have cheeseburgers and I am on a treadmill. The last thing I wanna see is a giant juicy hamburger with enough calories to last an adult human a full day!!!!

       Day Fourteen: After not sleeping well I got up early and made a list of houses to look at after Kat's speech therapy appointment. Went to the Y looked at houses. Went to McDonald's for lunch. Those of you who have been reading know from last week that today is cheeseburger Tuesday. The day I usually get my cheeseburger fix. I got a chicken sandwich and thought fondly of the cheeseburger that I will have again one day.

     Well 14 days down and from my calculations 26 more to go. I am not very good at calculating so I could be off by a day or 2. I hope I can keep my will in tact and that this blog will not get boring!! I hope you all have a wonderful week and I will post again next Tuesday.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The First Week

  So before I start telling about my week a few fun facts! My mom has informed me that from a very early age hamburger was the only meat I would eat. That is still semi true I have branched out into other meats though hamburger is still my favorite. Also my mom sent me an article about the benefits of giving things up for Lent you can read it here: http://ideas.time.com/2012/02/23/lent-and-the-science-of-self-denial/. Now on to the rest!

  Day One: So the reason I was unable to write my blog on time last week was because my dear Gabriel spiked a fever and we were up all night. Also Garrett had to go to Virginia for a week and left on Tuesday. The rest of the week we were recovering. After taking my munchkin boy to the doc to make sure nothing was seriously wrong and to gain that oh so magical get out of school free note we went to the golden arches to obtain some food. I was not even remotely tempted and got some chicken nuggets for myself. I did get burgers for the kids cause that's what they wanted and this is about denying myself not them. Now usually I will take a couple bites of the kids leftovers (what mom never nibbles the kiddos leftovers!!) but being firm in my convictions I tossed them away! Yay me!! Now later for some stupid reason I decided to watch a show called Best Foods. The very first thing they feature is you guessed it a fricken cheeseburger!!! Not just a cheeseburger but a cheeseburger so good you have to have an appointment to get one!!!! Luckily as delicious as it looked I didn't have the gas money and I was too tired to drive to Atlanta, Ga to get one. Not to mention I didn't have an appointment!! If I ever find myself in Atlanta though I may just find my way to getting myself one of those yummy burgers!

  Day Two: Not much to report. Other then thoughts of the Atlanta burger dancing through my head!

  Day Three: Yay I made it till Friday! Went to Zumba and then had some errands to run so me and Kat grabbed a bite out. I would usually turn into Burger King (mmmmmmmm Whopper drool drool) but instead went to Taco Bell for a chicken quesadilla. Wasn't quite as yummy but got the job done.

  Day Four: Uh-oh. Been kinda dreading this day. I knew that I had a book club meeting today at Mimi's Cafe. Have been kinda kicking myself for starting this whole thing right before the meeting because the only thing I have ever eaten from there is a bacon burger. Determined to stick to the plan I looked at the menu on-line before going and picked out a couple of possibilities. When I got to the restaurant I was half tempted to just order the burger. They have a picture of the stupid thing on the menu!!! I was able to resist and settled for a grilled chicken sandwich. It was okay. 

  Day Five: Not much to report. Had a very lazy day at home.

  Day Six: We were running errands and had to eat out unexpectedly. I usually like to plan when I am gonna go out to eat. It helps to keep me on point and makes the chance to be tempted less great. I did pretty well though went for Taco Bell. That's kinda my safety restaurant for now I guess.

  Day Seven: Boo it's Tuesday! I say boo because that once a week cheeseburger usually happens on Tuesday. Kat has speech therapy it ends right at lunch time so we usually grab a burger before heading home for nap time. Today I didn't even eat out I got really frustrated and just went home. I ended up eating leftovers for lunch then I had to go have minor surgery done on my leg. After surviving the surgery I did want to reward myself with a cheeseburger but I was a good girl and just went home to prop my sore leg up. 

  Well I got through the first week! It was easier then I thought it would be. I don't think I have EVER gone this long with out a cheeseburger! Just so no one worries the surgery was to close a varicose vein and to remove a few veins that had gotten too big and were not pumping blood correctly. This was my second surgery for this problem and I have to do two more to close/remove other improperly functioning veins. So if I mention surgery anymore it's just that and no cause for alarm. Hope everyone else had a great week!



Saturday, February 25, 2012

It Starts!

I meant to write this on Tuesday, so just pretend it's then okay?!

     Sunday night when I could not fall asleep because my brain would not turn off (maybe I should look into a sledge hammer for that pesky problem) I started thinking of Mardi Gras. My daughter and I were throwing a mask making party the next day so it was on my mind. This led me to think of Lent and what I would give up if I were to celebrate Lent. In the midst of all this thinking the sweet memory of the delicious Red Robin burger I had last week popped up. Then it hit me I eat WAAAYYYYY to many cheeseburgers!! I love burgers! Those of you who know me know how horribly picky I am and if you have ever dined with me I probably had a cheeseburger. I sorta have a compulsion towards them. Unless I am at a restaurant that does not serve them I will always order a burger of some sort. I have eaten veggie burgers, turkey burgers, soy burgers, and of course good old beef! Expensive or cheap I love them all. I am not sure where this great love of burgers started. Was it during those softball games when we would have to go through the drive through to get some dinner before the game? Was it before then when a burger was a special treat for my family? I would probably have to ask my mom. Ever since I can remember I have loved burgers. I eat one at least once a week sometimes more. I think I am starting to figure out why my cholesterol is so high!! I think part of the reason I like them so much is because it is hard to mess up a hamburger. Another reason is that they are cheap and when you are dining out with a man who usually makes a bee line for the $25 dollar steak cheap is important!! So even though I am a creature that rarely leaves her comfort zone I have decided that I will give up burgers for 40 days and 40 nights. I will not make this easy on myself by avoiding burger joints or throwing away the burgers I already have at home. I will be updating this blog once a week ( I hope) chronicling the temptations and how (or if ) I am able to over come them!
Me enjoying my last cheeseburger!!